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Calf Care MasterClass
Newborn Calves
Lifting Technique (1:12)
Navel Dipping (2:09)
Colostrum Management
Control Points for Colostrum (3:38)
Propylene Glycol for Cooling Colostrum (1:32)
Warming Colostrum (1:21)
Tubing Colostrum (1:14)
Feeding Calves
Milk Temperature for Feeding (0:49)
Bottle Feeding (1:15)
Follow the Milk Cart (1:00)
Calories for Calves (1:01)
Calf Health
Observing Calves (1:12)
Scour Solution (1:14)
Culling a Calf (0:51)
Ear Infections (1:04)
Infected Navel (1:00)
Record Keeping (0:48)
Respiratory Infections (0:53)
Hair Loss (1:35)
How to give a Shot (1:13)
Pink-Eye Treatment (0:46)
Observing Calves- Group Pen (0:59)
Transitioning with TomaHawk (1:04)
Drinking Water (1:00)
Bottles of Water (0:57)
Bucket Sanitation (1:24)
ATP Meter Audit (1:53)
Everybody Clean Up (1:05)
Fly Management (1:24)
Grain in the Water Bucket (1:05)
Cleaning Esophageal Tubes (1:06)
Clean vs Dirty Hutches (1:38)
Calf Housing- Hutch
Moving Calves into Hutches (2:11)
Hutch Comparison (1:15)
The Importance of Bedding (1:53)
Bucket Placement (1:38)
Weather Watch (1:23)
Hutch Organization (1:14)
Calf Housing- Corral
Sorting Calves (1:45)
Moving Calves to the Corrals (1:37)
Corral Environment (1:01)
When to Wean (1:08)
Pasteurization Options (2:16)
Calf Distinction Diarrhea Timeline
Calf Distinction Decoding Diarrhea
Calf Distinction Health Chart
Once a Day Feeding Protocol
Preweaning Calf Starter Intake
Goal Setting Sheet
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Moving Calves to the Corrals
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